The Sajni Center: Acupuncture Together
Join us for community acupuncture sessions with Abigail Klerowski, L.Ac. Using Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, and her Western medical training, Abbi supports the release and management of both physical and emotional pains. By breaking this cycle, individuals are able to find relief, take control of their lives, and move forward. Acupuncture can decrease pain, increase mobility, reduce stress, improve sleep, help with anxiety management, ease digestion, and decrease dependence on medication. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing and eat something one hour prior to your arrival. Group Limit: 6 participants. You can learn more about acupuncture here:
Pre-approved families of Lucy's Love Bus who have/had a child with life-threatening illness will be able to register for programs at any time in the calendar year, for free. For questions on eligibility and to become an approved Love Bus family for free programs, please email
Families from the greater community are able to register for programs starting at 10am on the Wednesday prior to a scheduled program, at which point the below link will be accessible.