Who is eligible to receive funds from Lucy's Love Bus through the Lucy's Children™ program?
Through our Lucy's Children™ program, anyone in New England who was diagnosed with cancer before the age of 21 years is eligible for funding for integrative therapies from Lucy's Love Bus. Our funds are available for those currently undergoing treatment or suffering from the late effects of cancer treatment. We will award funding as available. We invite families of children living in or receiving treatment in New England (MA, NH, VT, ME, RI, or CT) to apply today; we will be in touch to let you know the availability of funding, and we are always here for support and questions! For those families outside of New England, please visit our Resources page for organizations that may be able to help outside of our area.
What sorts of integrative therapies are available for my child?
The following is a list of integrative therapies that Lucy's Love Bus can pay for at this time: acupuncture, acupressure, aromatherapy/essential oils, art therapy or lessons, child life services, chiropractic care, craniosacral therapy, dance, hippotherapy, fertility preservation, gymnastics/cheerleading, gym membership or personal training, herbal supplements/naturopathy, martial arts, meditation, music therapy or lessons, myofascial release, nutritional counseling, oncology massage, reflexology, Reiki, swimming/aquatic therapy, Tai chi/Qigong, therapeutic horseback riding, and yoga.
Can you reimburse me or write me a check directly?
We pay our practitioners directly for their services with your child so that you do not incur any out-of-pocket expenses for the integrative therapies that your child receives from a Lucy's Love Bus partnering practitioner. We cannot give money directly to families, but rather we set up a payment system directly with the practitioner(s) working with your child. We manage your child's money on our end, and keep you and the practitioner(s) updated as to how much funding remains for your child. We do not offer direct financial assistance or reimbursement; we must pay a provider directly by check or American Express and only for integrative therapies.
Can my child's funds be used to buy goods or trips?
No, with the exception of the purchase of essential oils and herbal supplements, hearing aids, and wigs. Additionally, we must be able to pay the provider or supplier directly. Our funding cannot be used for: trips/vacations, home/room remodels, toys/supplies, technology, or assistance with acquiring a service animal.
Can a sibling/parent/caregiver use some of the funding?
NEW in 2022: YES! Sibling funding is available through the Sajni's Siblings program, and certain support for caregivers is available through the Ilene's Caregivers program, including weekly virtual peer-to-peer support groups.
How do you find practitioners to work with my child?
Lucy's Love Bus has an extensive network of partnering practitioners that offer many modalities. We vet all of our practitioners for applicable licenses and certifications to ensure that your child is getting the best quality of care. If your child is not already working with a qualified practitioner for their desired therapy, we will first see if we have someone available in your area from our network that we can connect to your child immediately. Otherwise, we will research the best candidates in your area and give you some options to choose from before reaching out to possible new partnering practitioners for your child. We will vet them and have them complete our paperwork, and then sessions can be scheduled! We set up payment with practitioners, but all scheduling and coordinating of appointments/sessions goes directly between families and practitioners.
What happens when my child's funding award runs out?
New members of our Love Bus family (new applicants) will be awarded $1,000 in funding. We pay for your child's services directly, and we keep track of the remaining funds your child has; we will keep both your family and your child's practitioner(s) updated as to how much funding remains for your child. Families in New England can reapply for an additional $500 every twelve months after the first date that funding was awarded, if the initial $1,000 has been exhausted. This funding will be available each year as long as it is needed, and as long as we have it available to offer. We are always here for support, and you will always be a part of our Love Bus family. We also encourage you to check out our lists of additional resources here.
Please use the form below, email Jackie at jackie@lucyslovebus.org, or call 978-764-4300 with any further questions you may have.